Pictures are typical of this model and may not be this exact home, and may show upgrades not included in the price of this home, price subject to change....
View HomePictures are typical of this model and may not be this exact home, and may show upgrades not included in the price of this home, price subject to change....
View HomeThis Paramount built single wide mobile home measures 14' wide by 56' in length. It features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Call today to speak with a home specia...
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Where was Home Nation started?
We had our humble beginnings as a company in Goshen, Indiana, where we are still headquartered to this day. Quite fortunately, we started in the very heart of manufactured homes. A good portion of housing in the Midwest is made up of single and double wide mobile homes (not to mention modular housing). This allowed us to quickly grow our business as we began to realize just how badly affordable housing is needed in this country. Having made it through the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, and witnessing student debt top 1 Trillion dollars, we like to think were doing our part in making the American Dream affordable again. Since our inception, weve moved states all the way down to Florida, and all the way West to Colorado. Within this triangle of sales lots, we have hundreds if not thousands of customers that are happily living in our homes. Indiana was our home and always will be, but our ultimate goal is to become a nationwide dealer that can offer affordable housing to every citizen in the lower 48 states! (Although Hawaii and Alaska arent out of the question...) Northern Indiana has been a fertile place for a business like ours, and we are thankful for every customer that has taken the plunge in saving thousands with our company. You can be the next!
Another reason to go with Home Nation, is that we can find you financing for your manufactured home. Most manufactured home dealers won't do this, instead leaving you to fund it yourself. We work closely with several lenders, and can make that process much easier. Just fill out the form on our Financing Page to see if you're eligible for one of our very competitive loans. If you're looking for mobile homes in NJ, getting your home funded shouldn't be the obstacle between you and a new home, we can often finance our buyers, even with low credit scores.
If you're located in Monroe Township, New Jersey, and need a local lender for manufactured homes in NJ, we can help you out. Contact us today to find the perfect lender, and get you payments you can work with.