Pictures are typical of this model and may not be this exact home, and may show upgrades not included in the price of this home, price subject to change....
View HomePictures are typical of this model and may not be this exact home, and may show upgrades not included in the price of this home, price subject to change....
View HomeThis Paramount built single wide mobile home measures 14' wide by 56' in length. It features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Call today to speak with a home specia...
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This varies widely from manufacturer to manufacturer. One of the reason it changes is seasonal, obviously during the spring season there will be a lot of individuals putting in orders for their new homes, in hopes to have things in place by the end of summer. In reality, this isnt always possible. We recommend skipping the crowds and ordering your home during the winter, the slow season. This give you and your salesperson more time to work on your new home, ensuring options are correct, organizing the details of delivery and installation. It will only give you more attention to detail which will make sure your project goes according to plan. Once you do order the mobile home, how long it takes depends on the price you paid. Really! A more affordable house like a Tru can be built very quickly due to their simplicity. Something that is modular will probably require a more thorough construction process, especially if you have custom features such as a tiled shower. A Tru home can be completed in as little as 2 weeks where you should expect anything else to take between 4 to 6 weeks to be built. The sooner you order the home, the sooner it is built!
Cant I just buy a home direct?
Unfortunately, manufacturers do not like to deal directly with consumers. The pricing, forced options, decor options, regional pricing, etc is complicated to keep track of, so sorting these things out with customers would not be the best use of their time. Manufacturers like to do what theyre good at, build homes! Just the same, as a retail dealer our goal is to make the mobile home buying process as simple as we can. Trust us, having a 15 page excel spreadsheet with literally 7,000 options can be confusing. Thats why weve done our best to simplify it on our website in an easy to read, easy to understand format. We also know which product is available in which state, so all youve got to do is enter your zip code and check it out.
Another reason to go with Home Nation, is that we can find you financing for your manufactured home. Most manufactured home dealers won't do this, instead leaving you to fund it yourself. We work closely with several lenders, and can make that process much easier. Just fill out the form on our Financing Page to see if you're eligible for one of our very competitive loans. If you're looking for mobile homes in NJ, getting your home funded shouldn't be the obstacle between you and a new home, we can often finance our buyers, even with low credit scores.
If you're located in Leonia, New Jersey, and need a local lender for manufactured homes in NJ, we can help you out. Contact us today to find the perfect lender, and get you payments you can work with.