Pictures are typical of this model and may not be this exact home, and may show upgrades not included in the price of this home, price subject to change....
View HomePictures are typical of this model and may not be this exact home, and may show upgrades not included in the price of this home, price subject to change....
View HomeThis Paramount built single wide mobile home measures 14' wide by 56' in length. It features 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Call today to speak with a home specia...
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In more ways than one! Weve got access to a national audience of manufacturers. This means we can get rock-bottom wholesale pricing on nearly all of our flooprlans. Of course, since we only have a few physical locations this means we can keep our costs lower than a typical local dealer. Local dealers will often stock 10 or even up to 50 homes on their lot, and they charge your for the privelage. We understand that, especially with single wides, most floorplans are going to be very similar. So why have 10 of the same? Even at the physical sales lots we DO have, we try to keep a very slim inventory to ensure youre getting the aboslute lowest price you can.
What is the process to buying a mobile home?
There are a number of steps between choosing your mobile home and moving in. Fortunately, our team is here to guide you through each step, meaning owning your very own mobile home couldn’t be easier. Once you’ve settled on a plan you like, it’s important to budget effectively. While the cost of your home will be the largest cost involved, its also important to take into account any site work costs, such as connecting your home to the city water and sewage. Paying for your home used to be a long drawn out process, but with our unique ‘Construction Funding’ program, you can set up a plan and get building in as little as 3 days. After that, site work can begin, and you’ll be on your way to having your very own mobile home!
Another reason to go with Home Nation, is that we can find you financing for your manufactured home. Most manufactured home dealers won't do this, instead leaving you to fund it yourself. We work closely with several lenders, and can make that process much easier. Just fill out the form on our Financing Page to see if you're eligible for one of our very competitive loans. If you're looking for mobile homes in NJ, getting your home funded shouldn't be the obstacle between you and a new home, we can often finance our buyers, even with low credit scores.
If you're located in Edgewater, New Jersey, and need a local lender for manufactured homes in NJ, we can help you out. Contact us today to find the perfect lender, and get you payments you can work with.